Saturday, June 11, 2011

The First Days

Many have asked that I send some pictures chronicling our move to Cuenca, Ecuador.  First, I must say that I am not a writer.  The writing gene that my father, sister and daughter have seems to have passed me by. Second, I do not promise to post to the blog on any particular schedule.  As the spirit moves me, I will post.  Nonetheless, I will do my best at giving you some idea of the move.

We left Jacksonville, FL on May 30, 2011 and headed for Quito, Ecuador.  We had to spend the night in Quito before flying to Cuenca the next day.  Below is a picture of Quito, the capital of Ecuador with approximately 2.5 million people.

After spending the night in Quito, we left for Cuenca.  Our landlord (Charlie Brown) met us at the airport and took us to our new apartment.  Here are some pictures of the apartment.

We are upstairs over the trucks.  Charlie Brown  and his wife Susi live below us.

Across the street, there is one of the four rivers that run through Cuenca.  This is the Yunancay River.  It is very peaceful to go across the street, listen to the flow of the river over the rocks, and rest.  Sometimes I sit and think....sometimes I just sit.

That is about it for this first attempt at blogging.  I hope you enjoyed the pictures.


  1. Nice way to share the information. Nice beginning.

  2. Neighbor Dave,

    Cuenca looks like a lovely place. I hope all is well. Keep the blogs and pics coming!

